









2016年、 IOC(=国際オリンピック委員会)が母国を離れた難民にも出場機会を与えようと、リオデジャネイロオリンピックで初めて結成した、難民による選手団。 一定の競技レベルに達したシリアやコンゴ民主共和国などの紛争地出身で、難民として国外に逃れた選手10人が参加している。



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Pablo Picasso

Pablo Picasso
1881 October 25 – April 8, 1973) was born in Malaga, Spain, painter was and works in France, draftsman, sculptor.

Along with Georges Braque, it is known as the founder of Cubism. Life in drawings and about 10,000 of the 3500-point oil painting, of 100,000 prints, illustrations of 34,000 points, produced a sculpture and pottery of 300 points, is written to be the most prolific artist in the “Guinness Book of Records” ing.

16-year-old Pablo Picasso

“Science and Charity” won an honorable mention in the National Art Exhibition, which was held in Madrid’s classic style that drew the original father’s guidance, won the gold medal at Malaga local exhibition.
 https://www.google.co.jp/search?q=%E3%83%94%E3%82%AB%E3%82%BD%E3%80%80%E7%A7%91%E5%AD % A6% E3% 81% A8% E6% 85% 88% E6% 84% 9B & hl = ja & biw = 1016 & bih = 647 & source = lnms & tbm = isch & sa = X & ved = 0ahUKEwj69rnXuvLLAhXGupQKHeIaAF8Q_AUIBigB # imgrc = RCTd3NVtoJztCM% 3A
 Picasso is the same year the fall, enrolled in the Royal San Fernando Academy of Fine Arts in Madrid. But, Picasso enlightenment meaningless it is to learn in academic, school, dropped out. I went to the Prado Museum, went in search of a way of painting by replicating of Velazquez et al masterpiece.

20-year-old Pablo Picasso

Involved in the editing of the magazine “young artists”. In June, the first solo exhibition in Paris. The beginning of the “era of the blue”.

In the wake of the suicide of a close friend Kasajemasu, Picasso portrays a work filled with sorrow at the dark screen tones and blue.
“Dead Kasajemasu” 1901


“Crouch women and children”

Saint-Lazare camp prostitutes who were suffering from syphilis have been many houses, Picasso visited well have a special interest. Suffer Holding a child so as to enclose, and the mother snuggle up to children Close your eyes, children stare intently down downcast eyes. It has been handed down sadness and despair in its appearance. As if representing the feelings of anxiety mother, it has been expressed as clothing and background billowing blue.

24-year-old Pablo Picasso

In women with a little educated to begin living with a woman named Fernando Olivier, to teach French to Picasso, it was single-mindedly directed the Picasso to draw a picture to give a mental stability. Representation from so as to live with her “era of the blue” is hid the shadow, Picasso portrait of her beautiful Razo and familiar people, her friends, the actors, the comedians of the circus, keynote a rosy to draw in a warm color that was.
 “Sitting Nude”
 The start of the work of the “rose of Age” (1905-1907)
 “Tamanori of acrobats” 1905
 “Sultan bank of the family”
 “Boy with a Pipe”

26-year-old Pablo Picasso

Impressed with the iconic and abstract representation of Black African sculpture seen in the Ethnographic Museum.
 “Les Demoiselles d’Avignon” Production
 Avant-garde and try to draw a picture that has not yet seen anyone as standard-bearer of the (avant-garde), epic challenged with extraordinary motivation
 Drawn initially, can not be anyone understand the innovative representation, among friends and painters fellow was said and even “Picasso mad”.

28-year-old Pablo Picasso

Leonardo da Vinci’s famous painting “Mona Lisa” is stolen from the Louvre Museum, he was arrested as one of the suspects
 Entering the era of Cubism
 Strong affected Cezanne Cubism of the era to Cezanne (1909), when the analytical cubism that was pioneered cubism along with Georges Braque (1909-1912), and of the overall Cubism using the first of the collage technique in Fine Art It is divided into era (1912-1918).
 “Horta of brick factory”
 “Fernando Portrait”

33-year-old Pablo Picasso

In the color further rich that revived a comprehensive Cubism, and began to draw a decorative work that the green tones. From the elegant expression, likened to the gorgeous art and culture Rococo of the 18th century, it has been called the Rococo Cubism.
 “The young daughter of Portrait”
 Work of the following year 1915

36-year-old Pablo Picasso

From 1917 transformed the representation by the cubism, it began to draw in a realistic representation reminiscent of a return to classic painting.
 Stay in Rome, Italy for the production of stage props and costumes of the Russian Ballet, which had been asked for some time. So, acquainted with Ballet dancer Olga Kokurova (27 years old), married her in 1918
 “Easy chair of Olga”

40-year-old Pablo Picasso

Son Paul birth
 “Mother and Child”
 “Three of the woman beside the fountain”
 “Three Musicians”

46-year-old Pablo Picasso

46-year-old Picasso dye look at the 17-year-old Marie-Therese.
 I Picasso saw the ideal of a woman’s face had been heading Some of Greek sculpture to Marie-Therese. Has a beautiful blonde hair and blue eyes, feminine plump physique is said to fields to stimulate the expression greed of Picasso.
 And yellow hair is in the works, forehead and nose is depicted as a woman to lead at the same height.

48-year-old Pablo Picasso

“Woman of red armchair”
 Picasso affection there was fading gradually to the wife Olga, Olga and has changed to the eerie object of sharp pointed wants to head out peeling teeth. However, the red of the beauty of the sofa is soften the unrest of the screen.

56-year-old Pablo Picasso

1937, Nazi Germany, killing thousands of civilians and indiscriminate bombing a small city Guernica in Spain.
 Picasso, but it had been asked to mural production of the Spanish Pavilion of the Paris World Exposition from earlier, suddenly, sadness and anger, painted “Guernica” in about a month to put the protest.
 “Cry woman”
 There is also mistress of Dora Maar was a good cry woman, Picasso made independent of the woman cry from the work of “Guernica”, the “woman cry” began to series of her as a model.

73-year-old Pablo Picasso

From 1954 over the 1963, Picasso, revered Dorakuroa, Velazquez, El Greco, such as the aid the masterpieces of scene setting and the person masters who drew such as Manet, the variations that can be called the “Picasso version” in their own image repeatedly drawn series of
 “Las Meninas (by Velazquez)” 1957
 “Las Meninas” 1957
 1960 “than lunch on the grass of Manet”













1834 年、山本の家に戻った。養母のへそくり450両を盗み、江戸を目指す。次郎八が追ってを出し、捕まえるが次郎長は300両しかもっていなかった。その100両について何も答えないところをみて、次郎八は次郎長を放逐した。







